Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why college?

Everyone in order to reach their destination needs to pass through certain ways. For many people in school their destination is work. In order to work they need to go to college which is one of their way to reach their destination. My destination is to become a doctor. In order to become a doctor I need to go to college. I also need to go to college because it is one way of getting a higher education.

I want to go to college to improve my knowledge of medicine and get a degree in medicine. Going to college will help me understand more about medicine because I will learn it through practice and observing treatment of patients. Even Professors who teach at college know a lot about their job, so they teach according to their basic knowledge.

This is why I want to go to college in order to get a degree in medicine. This will also help me have more advanced knowledge of medicine.

By Trust

In The Morning

Ring! Ring! alarms are ringing
That’s what starts the morning
Doors are greeted
The sun shines with a smile
In the morning
Busy is what you got

People are running and running,
Jobs are welcoming them
For when morning goes
Nothing will be done
For students baths are taken
Their mouths are moving and moving
To greet the first food
Busy is what you got

By Muhozi