Friday, December 17, 2010

The Journey of Muhozi Trust Aimable

My name is Muhozi Trust Aimable. I am from Rwanda but I was born in Tanzania and brought up in Malawi. Muhozi means, if someone beats you and you go and tell someone else and that person beats the one who beat you, that person is acting like Muhozi. In simple words I can say Muhozi means a bully beater. Aimable means friendship. I was given this name after being baptized. But when I was a kid I was called Trust.

All of my names support who I am because I have a lot of friends and when I grow up I will protect and care for my family. Even now I protect and care for my brothers and sisters.

The most interesting thing since I reached into America is how some people speak English. They mix more words like ''how are you doing.'' It becomes "Hy u doin."

I was born in Tanzania because it is where my parents were refugees starting from 1994-1996. In 1995 it is when I was born. In 1996 the Tanzanian government forced refugees back to their countries so we went back to our country. At that time I was only 1 year old. When returning back to Rwanda my father went to Malawi, then after 4 years he called for us to Malawi. We stayed in Malawi for 10 years. After 10 years in Malawi the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sent us to America because of some problems in Malawi. Now I am in America and I am proud to be in America.

When I grow up I want to become a Doctor because I want to save people's lives, give them treatment and help them if they need help at the hospital.

Doctoring is the thing that took my heart because if not for doctors my brother would not be alive today. He started suffering from Malaria when he was 9 months old but now he is 7 years old. He has never spent a month without seeing a doctor. That means doctors are playing a great role in my brother's life.

This is what makes me feel like being a doctor in future, to help those who needs help.

One advice that I can give to people of my age is that, leave social things behind and concentrate on their education because school is a key of a bright future and success.

By- Trust

Sports Days

I love sports days, sports days
Fun is what you got days
People going whoa! From stadium to stadium
Feet hungry of walking
Laughing and crying to death
Get entertained in sports days
Cars horning pep!! Peeping!!! In sports days

Sports doctors are moving and moving
Injured days, hard working days
Players running on their feet
Holding each other to stay a let
Fun is what you got days
- Trust

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Hope

I would like to live in a large city because of job opportunities and better health care. In a large city there are also many types of food. Large cities also help in education. These things are good because they support the daily life of a human being.

In a large city health care is good because most of the educated people live in the cities. Also because of the size of the city there are more hospitals. So these things contribute to better health care because patients do not walk for a long time to find a hospital since there are more hospitals. That means that they are close to people's homes. Also when the patients reach the hospital they get helped in a right manner because the doctors are well educated so they know how to treat patients.

In a large city there are more job opportunities because many people live there, so it has to have many jobs to support people living there. These jobs include doctors, nurses, construction workers and many more. All of these jobs improve people's living standards because the person has money so he can buy what he wants at any time.

Large cities help education because most of the educated people live in cities so they act like role models to the kids going to school. In doing so kids work hard at school because they want to be like them. In addition to that, in large cities they teach using advanced technology. This helps the kids understand the teachings better because they are more detailed.

Large cities also have many different types of food like pizza, hamburger and meat. These foods are found in supermarkets and restaurants. These are different from small cities because there more in large cities. Since many different people live in large cities it enables people living there to eat what they want to eat.

This is why I would like to live in large cities: I would be able to get a job quickly, if I get sick I would be helped in a right way, kids will be motivated to go to school and I will eat what I want. These opportunities and advantages are what make me want to live in large city.
